Author Archive: Heather Crossin
A Parent Laments the Common Core-Voucher link
Indianapolis resident Suzanne Sherby’s recent letter to the editor, which appeared in KPC News, raises valid concerns about the inconsistency between the claim that Indiana is entering a new era of school choice, and the fact that voucher-accepting schools are simultaneously being funneled into the same Common Core straight-jacket. As a parent whose children attend […]
Russ Pulliam endorses SB193!
Russ Pulliam had an article in last Saturday’s Indianapolis Star entitled “Let’s pause on Common Core.” Pulliam rightly tells readers the following: The new superintendent of public instruction, Democrat Glenda Ritz, wants to pause. She has been joined by a few conservative Republicans who see Common Core as a nationalization of education standards. He goes […]
Bennett Admits Common Core Tests Unaffordable
As opponents have tried to point out, implementing Common Core is going to be extremely costly. Had more states conducted cost analysis’ before they adopted Common Core, they would have know this going into it. The high cost of testing is even starting to be apparent in Florida, which is the “capital” of the Ed […]
Guess who testified against SB193
The Heartland Institute’s Joy Pullman recently released a bomb-shell article, entitled “Education Policies Led by Gates, Not States?” It blows a large hole in the frequently cited myth that the Common Core initiative was “state-led.” Pullman quotes Jay Greene, who runs the University of Arkansas’ department of education reform as saying: The Gates Foundation completely […]
Anti-Common Core bill up for a vote tomorrow!
Tomorrow, Thursday February 21st, SB193 is up for a vote before the full Senate. Please keep the calls going to the Senate switchboard at (317)232-9400. They need to be flooded with phone calls, because reports are that our opponents are doing everything possible to defeat us! In fact, today a national group, Democrats for Education Reform (DFER) […]
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