Our Solution

Hoosiers Against Common Core believes Indiana should exit the Common Core Initative and reverse the adoption of the Common Core Standards. In its place, we would like to see Indiana adopt the 2009 Indiana math standards, which were adopted by the State Board of Education but never implemented and revert back to the 2008 English standards that were rated superior to the Common Core. Both of these sets of standards are considered the best in the country and on par with high-performing countries and better prepare our students for success in college and careers.

We call upon all leaders involved with this issue to formally submit these standards to the federal government to be evaluated as “college and career ready” standards and submit them with Indiana’s NCLB waiver modification. If standards considered  the best in the country and on par with high-performing international countries aren’t acceptable, Indiana should abandon the waiver.

Here is the Indiana Education Roundtable’s resolution on the 2009 Indiana math standards: