Author Archive: Heather Crossin
Twenty-two year veteran teacher from Indiana says No to Common Core!
Yet another veteran Indiana teacher stands up and speaks out against the Common Core! Read Julian Smith’s article, Common Core Standards would take Indiana students backwards , which appeared in the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette. His article begins: As out-of-state investors and pro-privatization education interest groups pour into our state with their deep pockets to […]
Anti-Common Core bill on the move!
Yesterday in the Senate Education Committee, Senator Scott Schneider successfully attached his language to a House bill, HB1427. To read the coverage of the Senate Education Committee’s action click here. Sen. Scott Schneider, R-Indianapolis, who authored the original Common Core bill, says despite Behning’s objections, he thinks the full House will back his plan. “The majority […]
Michelle Malkin: Common Core as Trojan Horse
Don’t miss Michelle Malkin’s fifth Common Core article, “Common Core as Trojan Horse.” It focuses on what Malkin calls the “the creepy federal data-mining racket.” She begins with the following: Last week, I reported on the federal government’s massive new student-tracking database, which was created as part of the nationalized Common Core standards scheme. The […]
Common Core: The sale of our children

Citizens of Indiana are abuzz about the new onslaught of commercials trying to sell the rotten Common Core. Stand for Children (SFC), the deep pockets that funded this media blitz, has bought advertising on seemingly every radio, T.V., and cable station around. They even have the audacity to advertise during conservative talk radio shows, which […]
Malkin on Common Core – Part III
You don’t want to miss a word of Michelle Malkin’s, just released, third article on the Common Core! It is entitled “Rotten to the Core – The growing grassroots revolt against Common Core,” and starts out with a bang. Texas is a right-minded red state, where patriotism is still a virtue and political correctness is […]
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