Author Archive: Heather Crossin
New Videos – Former TX Commissioner of Education Testifies on Common Core

New! Don’t miss these newly released two great videos of Robert Scott, the former Texas Commissioner of Education, testifying about the Common Core. (Robert Scott testimony- Part 1 and Robert Scott testimony- Part 2) On February 6th, he testified before the Georgia General Assembly Joint Meeting of the House and Senate Education Committees. This is a great tutorial […]
Veteran Teacher Gives Common Core a Thumbs Down

Last week syndicated columnist, Andrea Neal, an adjunct fellow with the Indiana Policy Review Foundation, wrote an excellent Common Core article, “Why would we lower our standards?,” which was featured in newspapers around the state. Neal’s article starts out with a hard-hitting bang: Plenty of good reasons exist for Indiana to drop out of the Common […]
Governor Pence, Stop the Common Core

A weeks or two ago, Phyllis Schlafly wrote a great article entitled, “Common Core Opponent is Upset Victor.” In the article she depicts Glenda Ritz’s stunning defeat of Tony Bennett, and the role that grassroots opposition to Common Core played in that race. Schlafly ends her column with the following piece of sound advice: Wake […]
Michelle Malkin Strikes Again
Read Michelle Malkin’s 2nd Common Core article, “Rotten to the Core (Part 2): Readin’, Writin’ and Deconstructionism,” which came out January 25, 2013. In it Malkin helps reveal the philosophy behind the Common Core English Language Arts Standards, by explaining it this way: One story or “text” is no better than another. Common Core’s literature-lite […]
Michelle Malkin goes after Common Core
Don’t miss Michelle Malkin’s hard hitting Common Core article, entitled “Rotten to the Core: Obama’s War on Academic Standards (Part 1).” This is a must read and must share article, which covers the Common Core in an in depth fashion. Malkin promises that there will be more to come, when she says the following: “Over […]
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