Indiana News
Anthony Cody on the $$$ in Common Core
Common Core critics, like myself, have long argued that many supporters of Common Core are motivated financially. I mean, why would a smart guy Bill Gates support Common Core if it isn’t going to be more rigorous and improve education? Anthony Cody sums it up well in his post on Education Week. The Common Core […]
TUNE IN: Freedom Works on Common Core live tonight!

Join FreedomWorks on Wednesday, April 17th as the FreedomWorks on Tap panel covers Common Core. Common Core is one of the most pressing issues of 2013 as conservative activists are working to defeat Common Core from being implemented in schools all across the country. The panel will be discussing how you or your group can work […]
On to the House!
Friends, Wednesday the Senate voted 37 to 13 to pass HB1427! Thank you for all of your work at educating our Senators. Here is the coverage of the vote from the Indianapolis Star and Indiana State Impact. Now is the time to ACT! Please call as many members of the House as you possibly can […]
Indiana’s own “Iron Lady” fights the Common Core
Whether you were a fan of Margaret Thatcher’s policies or not, one thing is certain – yesterday marked the end of the life of one of the strongest women to ever grace the pages of history. For many of us, who came of age during the eighties, she will be remembered as the lady who […]
Twenty-two year veteran teacher from Indiana says No to Common Core!
Yet another veteran Indiana teacher stands up and speaks out against the Common Core! Read Julian Smith’s article, Common Core Standards would take Indiana students backwards , which appeared in the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette. His article begins: As out-of-state investors and pro-privatization education interest groups pour into our state with their deep pockets to […]
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