Author Archive: Heather Crossin
Indiana’s Common Core Pushback makes the Wall Street Journal
Our recent legislative victory was covered in the Wall Street Journal article, Learning Goals Spur Backlash! The article was prominently displayed and the only one on page A3. Indiana has gone the farthest in slowing things down, thanks to two Indianapolis mothers. Heather Crossin learned of Common Core in the fall of 2011 when her […]
Join the #StopCommonCore Twitter Rally Tonight!
Read the Truth in American Education Post below and visit the Truth in American Education website. And by all means, join the #stopCommonCore twitter rally tonight! Parent Led Reform (@parentledreform) is graciously hosting our 2nd #StopCommonCore Twitter Rally. Our follow-up rally is this Thursday, May 2nd at 9:00p (EDT)/8:00p (CDT). The#StopCommonCore Twitter Rally is a collaborative project in partnership with Truth […]
Indiana’s historic vote to review Common Core
We have been behind on updating everyone on the passage of HB1427. By now, most know that in an unprecedented push-back against the federal government and powerful special interests, the Indiana legislature has voted to review Common Core, as well as to require the State Board of Education to do the same. The People of […]
We Did It!
This is a great day for Indiana and a great day for America! The Indiana House passed HB1427, the Common Core “time-out” bill by a vote of 53-42!
Russ Pulliam likens Common Core to Obamacare
Russ Pulliam made it clear why some refer to Common Core as ObamaCore his recent Indianapolis Star article, “Why Common Core is like Obamacare.” The Common Core education standards that Indiana is on the verge of implementing look like Obamacare in a couple of ways. They both are attempts to tackle big problems with sweeping […]
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