Author Archive: Erin Tuttle
Hoosier process run by DC insider
The justification to dismiss the analysis of experts contracted by the state to provide input on the “new” Indiana standards is based on the idea that they didn’t represent Hoosiers. After an overwhelming majority of them provided scathing reports citing mathematical errors, incoherent structure, and inferiority, Pence told the Indiana Education Roundtable that he wasn’t […]
South Bend Superintendent says new standards “very, very much aligned” to CCS
Misinformed?……………..Not a rebrand? …………………Really? Just ask the superintendent of South Bend schools, Carole Schmidt, who told WSBT news: “If you look at the standards really carefully and sort of do a cross walk with the Common Core, they’re very very much aligned, even down to some of the materials that are used,” Schmidt said. A […]
New Indiana standards cut American literature and The Declaration of Independence
All sets of standards, even the Common Core, have some good standards- some more than others. If Indiana wanted to retain some of the Common Core, there were standards that would have contributed to forming a document that was “uncommonly” high. However, a review of the final draft of the English standards clearly shows they […]
New Indiana standards will be voted on without an analysis of final draft
The Associated Press reported that Indiana will not do an analysis on the final draft of standards released April 15th before being voted on by the Indiana Education Roundtable on April 21st: The governor’s special assistant for education innovation and reform, Claire Fiddian-Green, said the more than 6,000 hours spent revising the standards and including […]
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