Tag: Mike Pence
A step forward for Hoosiers in a long march

The wonderful thing about America is that even in what seem like our darkest hours, there are occasional rays of hope. These are what keep people in all fifty states going, determined to continue the fight to protect and restore the liberties upon which this great nation was founded. One such ray of hope has […]
Gov. Pence poll: 58% of Hoosiers Reject Common Core only 32% support

A recent poll conducted by the Pence Administration shows what many of us have known all along, Hoosiers do not support a one-size-fits-all education system controlled by interests outside our state. Anti-Common Core sentiment received 58% support while only 32% reported they support uniform standards. In this “campaign” it looks like the Common Core is […]
Governor Pence Mum on Press Conference and Letter
Joy Pullman writing for School Reform News said Governor Pence’s office still has not issued a formal statement on our press conference or letter last Thursday. Although he visited the press conference releasing this letter at the state capitol March 21, Pence’s staff was “unable to reach him for comment” on the matter, said spokeswoman […]
Transcription of Thursday’s Press Conference Remarks

Below are our a transcription of Heather Crossin and Erin Tuttle’s remarks prior to delivering our letter, signed by over 900 people representing 54 organizations, urging Governor Mike Pence to support SB 193. Heather Crossin made the following remarks on Thursday prior to delivering the letter: “We are coming together in a unified way […]
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