Michelle Malkin goes after Common Core

January 23, 2013 1 Comment

Don’t miss Michelle Malkin’s hard hitting Common Core article, entitled “Rotten to the Core: Obama’s War on Academic Standards (Part 1).”  This is a must read and must share article, which covers the Common Core in an in depth fashion.

Malkin promises that there will be more to come, when she says the following:

“Over the next several weeks and months, I’ll use this column space to expose who’s behind this disastrous scheme in D.C. backrooms. I’ll tell you who’s fighting it in grassroots tea-party and parental revolts across the country from Massachusetts to Indiana, Texas, Georgia, and Utah. And most important, I’ll explain how this unprecedented federal meddling is corrupting our children’s classrooms and textbooks.”

Although Malkin’s article lays the blame at Obama’s feet, there is certainly plenty more to go around.  Common Core is a train wreck that people on both sides of the political spectrum are responsible for, which is why a broad based,  bi-partisan coalition is forming to get Indiana out of this mess.

Karen Francisco of the Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette reminds us of this fact in her September article, “Uncommon allies question a Common Core.”  In response to the question, “Why have Indiana teachers and administrators been mostly silent on the new standards,” Francisco included the following:

“They also can’t compete against the millions of dollars in campaign contributions flowing to both Democrat and Republican politicians from for-profit companies and hedge fund managers seeking a piece of the Common Core action: textbooks, software, classroom materials, teacher training, assessments and more.”

Hoosier Republicans, Democrat, Libertarians, and Independents must stand firm and united in their opposition to the Common Core!



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  1. Edward Ross says:

    Thank you for your support to defeat CC Edu. This UN creation is right out of Hitler’s playbook.

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