Indiana News
Dr. Terrence Moore, author of “The Story-Killers,” to Speak January 6th!

In my opinion, one of the greatest developments in the Common Core battle this past year has been the involvement of Hillsdale College professor Dr. Terrence Moore. Any who have had the pleasure of hearing him speak, or who have read his articles, know why I say this. Dr. Moore is more than a great […]
Spellbinding Words of Wisdom
If there is a silver lining in Common Core it is definitely that it has awakened the general public and engaged them in discussions about the quality of education in America. At Hoosiers Against Common Core, we have certainly never classified ourselves as proponents of the status quo. We certainly are not. We recognize that […]
Seiko Ito – A beloved and Master Teacher

Today, Hoosiers Against Common Core mourns the loss, and pays homage and tribute to one of Indiana’s finest educators, who passed away this morning. Seiko Ito (72) was born and raised in Japan, where she worked for a number of years as a nurse. Upon immigrating to the United States, she attended and obtained a […]
Gov. Pence poll: 58% of Hoosiers Reject Common Core only 32% support

A recent poll conducted by the Pence Administration shows what many of us have known all along, Hoosiers do not support a one-size-fits-all education system controlled by interests outside our state. Anti-Common Core sentiment received 58% support while only 32% reported they support uniform standards. In this “campaign” it looks like the Common Core is […]
“Superintendent of the Year” tells it like it is on Common Core!
All Indiana Superintendents should listen to the courageous voice of New York Superintendent Joseph Rella of Comsewogue School District in New York. (Click here to listen to the short audio clip, which ought to go viral.) They should then ask themselves, why they are not willing to speak out against Common Core as he does. […]
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