Author Archive: Hoosiers Against Common Core
Glenn Beck Shines Spotlight on Common Core

Glenn Beck featured the Common Core State Standards last week on his show on TheBlaze TV.
Ze’ev Wurman official testimony in SB193
Why Indiana’s Own Standards are Better for Indiana Students Ze’ev Wurman, Palo Alto, Calif. Professional background: I am former Senior Adviser at the Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development in the U.S. Department of Education. Throughout the development of the Common Core standards in 2009-2010 I analyzed the mathematics drafts for the Pioneer Institute […]
Washington Post: Resistance to Common Core Standards Growing
Here is a post written by Valarie Strauss for the Answer Sheet blog that is part of The Washington Post. She highlights Indiana first. An excerpt: Nearly all of the states and the District of Columbia have adopted the Common Core State Standards in English language arts and math and are in the process of […]
Stop The Common Core

Jane Robbins of American Principles Project offers a five-part video series that explains why we must stop the Common Core.
Literature or Technical Manuals: Who Should Be Teaching What, Where, and Why?
Sandra Stotsky, Professor Emerita of Education Reform, University of Arkansas Paper presented at the Educational Policy Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, January 25, 2013 I. Purpose Over 45 states adopted Common Core’s ELA standards in 2010, in some cases before they were even written. Only in 2012 did some discussion about their implications take place in […]
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