Tag: Erin Tuttle
Indiana Chamber of Commerce’s Poor Record on Education
Don’t miss Erin Tuttle’s article, Indiana Chamber of Commerce’s Poor Record on Education, which was published by the Heartland Institute last week. It addresses the central question of why in the world anyone would take the advice of the Chamber of Commerce when it comes to education policy. It begins: The Indiana Chamber of Commerce […]
Transcription of Thursday’s Press Conference Remarks

Below are our a transcription of Heather Crossin and Erin Tuttle’s remarks prior to delivering our letter, signed by over 900 people representing 54 organizations, urging Governor Mike Pence to support SB 193. Heather Crossin made the following remarks on Thursday prior to delivering the letter: “We are coming together in a unified way […]
Closing the Door on Innovation

An oldie but a goodie! “Closing the Door on Innovation” was one of the first pieces in the current debate over national standards and a nationalized curriculum. For any one new to the debate, it is a good starting point to gain an understanding of the concerns regarding the common core initiative. Written in response […]
Talking Common Core State Standards on America Speaks
Erin Tuttle and Heather Crossin were guests on the America Speaks podcast on The FlyPod.com Media Network to discuss the Common Core State Standards. You can listen above.
Radio Interview: Taking the Airwaves in Indiana
We have had the opportunity to go on the Greg Garrison Show to discuss the Common Core State Standards and how it impacts Hoosiers. The podcast above is an interview with Erin Tuttle, Heather Crossin, Emmett McGroarty of American Principles Project and Jamie Gass of the Pioneer Institute.
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