Tag: Emmett McGroarty
The Changing Role of Education in America

Hoosiers, like those in a number of other states, have been stuck indoors the last few days, due to record-breaking temperatures and snow. Many have likely put away their Christmas decorations and exhausted projects in the home, which makes this a perfect time to watch some of the videos from the Common Core conference that […]
Glenn Beck Shines Spotlight on Common Core

Glenn Beck featured the Common Core State Standards last week on his show on TheBlaze TV.
Controlling Education From The Top

Emmett McGroarty and Jane Robbins wrote a white paper entitled “Controlling Education From the Top: Why The Common Core is Bad for America” sponsored by American Principles Project, Pioneer Institute, Pacific Research Institute, and the Washington Policy Center. They make the case why the Common Core State Standards are bad for America. You can read […]
Radio Interview: Taking the Airwaves in Indiana
We have had the opportunity to go on the Greg Garrison Show to discuss the Common Core State Standards and how it impacts Hoosiers. The podcast above is an interview with Erin Tuttle, Heather Crossin, Emmett McGroarty of American Principles Project and Jamie Gass of the Pioneer Institute.
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