Tag: Common Core State Standards
Russ Pulliam: Let’s Pause on Common Core
Russ Pulliam had an article in last Saturday’s Indianapolis Star entitled “Let’s pause on Common Core.” Pulliam rightly tells readers the following: The new superintendent of public instruction, Democrat Glenda Ritz, wants to pause. She has been joined by a few conservative Republicans who see Common Core as a nationalization of education standards. He goes […]
Washington Post: Resistance to Common Core Standards Growing
Here is a post written by Valarie Strauss for the Answer Sheet blog that is part of The Washington Post. She highlights Indiana first. An excerpt: Nearly all of the states and the District of Columbia have adopted the Common Core State Standards in English language arts and math and are in the process of […]
Top Ten Reasons Common Core is BAD for Indiana
Support legislation to stop Common Core and restore LOCAL CONTROL of education! 1. Common Core Standards (CCS) is a national set of standards for math and English for K-12. It is a centrally controlled, top down approach to standards, curriculum and testing. 2. The CCS have NEVER been piloted in a classroom to assess student […]
Veteran Teacher Gives Common Core a Thumbs Down

Last week syndicated columnist, Andrea Neal, an adjunct fellow with the Indiana Policy Review Foundation, wrote an excellent Common Core article, “Why would we lower our standards?,” which was featured in newspapers around the state. Neal’s article starts out with a hard-hitting bang: Plenty of good reasons exist for Indiana to drop out of the Common […]
Stop The Common Core

Jane Robbins of American Principles Project offers a five-part video series that explains why we must stop the Common Core.
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