Indoctrination through Common Core aligned English books
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Common Core = School to Work?
I was sent a video of Michael Chapman’s presentation on the Common Core and the larger picture behind it. It’s a little long but very, very interesting. I am interested in people’s thoughts on it. I haven’t researched his research yet, so my own thoughts are still unformed.
Why does Common Core mandate fuzzy math?
Below are the standards for multiplication and division for fourth, fifth and sixth grade under Common Core. While the Common Core tests, like New York’s, require students to be able to do multi digit multiplication and division in fourth grade, the Common Core standards do not require the mastery of the standard algorithm until later. This […]
Does Smarter Balance test IQ?

After taking the Smarter Balance fourth grade on-line sample test for math, I was curious about what the test was testing. I know, “Enough of the tinfoil hats!” However, the following example shows that the only way to answer this test item correctly for full points was to have been taught a certain method or […]
NY students, it’s not you, it’s them

How do Common Core (CC) test makers think a fourth grader would be able to solve this problem in the way the answer key provides? For example, they expect the student to write an equation: 32+4x=240. Really? IF, a child could write this equation from reading the problem after fourth grade CC textbooks, I would […]
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