Indiana News
Teachers, got something to say?

Calling all teachers! Are you unhappy with Common Core Standards and testing? Legislators want to hear from you. August 5th, 2013 at 1:00 Written testimony can also be emailed to It must have your name and address on it to be submitted to the legislators. Questions? email Don’t pass up your chance to […]
NCEA does not endorse the Common Core?
Charlotte Hays of the Catholic National Register writes about the implications and problems Catholic schools are facing with the adoption of the Common Core in her article, Common Core Education Standards Generate Catholic Concerns.Having children in Catholic school, I have witnessed their full support of the standards and the zeal with which national Catholic educators […]
Indiana Legislature Playing Monday Morning Quarterback?
Below is a guest post from Shane Vander Hart from Truth in American Education. Shane responded to a recent editorial in The Times of Northwest Indiana. We appreciate being able to re-post Shane’s piece in its entirety. To read more of Shane’s great research and writing visit the Truth in American Education website: The Times […]
A response to Chester Finn

What, you ask, is all this about? In an article published by the Hoover Institute’s journal, Defining Ideas, Chester Finn of the Fordham Institute asks this question in response to Indiana “hitting the pause button” on the Common Core standards. As a parent opposed to the standards, I will explain why Indiana has hit the […]
Why Catholic schools should reject the Common Core
A new article in Crisis Magazine entitled, Saving the Uncommon Core of Catholic Education , highlights why Catholic schools are foolish to embrace the Common Core. As the article explains, “the Common Core embraces essentially a trade-school mentality. Even in English class—where the heart of humanist education should beat most strongly—the curriculum is to be […]
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