Author Archive: Heather Crossin
Indiana Legislature Playing Monday Morning Quarterback?
Below is a guest post from Shane Vander Hart from Truth in American Education. Shane responded to a recent editorial in The Times of Northwest Indiana. We appreciate being able to re-post Shane’s piece in its entirety. To read more of Shane’s great research and writing visit the Truth in American Education website: The Times […]
Why Catholic schools should reject the Common Core
A new article in Crisis Magazine entitled, Saving the Uncommon Core of Catholic Education , highlights why Catholic schools are foolish to embrace the Common Core. As the article explains, “the Common Core embraces essentially a trade-school mentality. Even in English class—where the heart of humanist education should beat most strongly—the curriculum is to be […]
New Heritage Foundation video: Putting the brakes on Common Core
The Heritage Foundation’s 2013 Resource Bank conference featured a Common Core panel, entitled “Putting the brakes on Common Core.” Speakers included Lindsey Burke of the Heritage Foundation, Jim Sterios of the Pioneer Institute, Ted Rebarber of Accountability Works, and grassroots activists Heather Crossin and Christel Swasey. Heather was honored to be included and asked to […]
How we took down the Common Core

Yesterday’s Indianapolis Star contained a great article by Russ Pulliam entitiled, How Indiana’s grass-roots activists took down the Common Core. It begins: The Common Core academic standards looked like a mighty Goliath when opponents began their opposition last year. Adopted by almost all the states, the standards had powerful backing in Indiana from the state […]
Over 800 people attend anti-Common Core forum!

The size of the crowds that are gathering to learn about the deficiencies of the Common Core are getting bigger and bigger. Just a few weeks ago, I spoke in Ohio at a series of three events that drew a combined total of over 800 buckeyes. It was amazing and inspiring to see so many […]
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