Author Archive: Heather Crossin
President-elect Trump: Honor Phyllis Schlafly by Picking a Secretary of Education She’d Endorse

On election night when it became apparent that we were witnessing a truly remarkable and historic event, one great, American patriot came to mind- the late, conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly, who passed away this past fall at the age of 92. Lost in the media coverage since is the fact that it is Phyllis Schlafly, […]
Governor Pence takes a stand for freedom and local control of education

Last week, Governor Pence took a stand for restoring freedom and local control to Indiana schools, when he chose to publicly support Senator Schneider’s “Freedom in Testing” bill, SB470. The bill, which would allow private schools that accept vouchers to choose from a variety of nationally norm-referenced assessments to comply with state accountability measures, rather […]
Alert! Hearing on “Freedom in Testing” bill tomorrow!

Tomorrow, Wed. February 11th, is the hearing on Senator Schneider’s “Freedom in Testing” bill, SB470. Please come and testify or show your support by attending the hearing, which commences at 1:30pm in the Senate Chamber. It is the second to last bill that will be heard, so you don’t need to be there until 2:30pm, […]
Moving standardized, IREAD-3 test down to 2nd Grade – not a good idea!

Hoosier parents, teachers, and citizens should be aware that legislation (SB169) sponsored by Rep. Erin Houchin (R) to move the mandatory third grade reading assessment (IREAD-3) down to second grade is scheduled for a vote this coming Wednesday, January 21st, by members of the the Senate Education Committee. Before they or anyone else decides if […]
A step forward for Hoosiers in a long march

The wonderful thing about America is that even in what seem like our darkest hours, there are occasional rays of hope. These are what keep people in all fifty states going, determined to continue the fight to protect and restore the liberties upon which this great nation was founded. One such ray of hope has […]
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