Author Archive: Erin Tuttle
New draft standards- a few of my favorites
All sets of standards have a few good ones in them and I love how supporters of Common Core or, whatever we are going to call the new standards, always point to a few of them and pretend the whole document is just like that. I’m going to post few that I found in the new draft […]
Fuzzy Common Core math standards remain in Indiana’s “new” standards
The instructional practices embedded into the K-5 math standards were the largest complaint from parents regarding Common Core. After the first two drafts of Indiana’s “new” standards, the “fuzzy math” pedagogy embedded in the Common Core was still present – word for word. Unfortunately, the Common Core’s worst math standards remain intact in the latest […]
Judgment Day Rally at the Statehouse!
It’s Judgment Day! The public comment period may be over, but Hoosiers have more to say! Join us April 21st at 1:00pm at the Indiana Statehouse for the Judgment Day Rally. Let the Indiana Education Roundtable see that parents care! Hillsdale College Professor Dr. Terrence Moore will speak and answer your questions! March with us […]
Knewton holds more data on students than Google holds on users
“What if your math syllabus could tell you what to eat for breakfast to score higher on your quiz tomorrow?” Jose Ferreira, CEO of Knewton, shares his vision for a future where every student receives a truly personalized curriculum best suited to his or her needs. Knewton collects millions of data points about student users […]
Building the Machine video on Common Core released
Must see video from HSLDA just released. Watch it and learn about the Common Core and the inherent risks it presents to all children in every school, public or private.
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