Author Archive: Erin Tuttle
What you can do to STOP Common Core
What One Person Can Do To Stop Common Core Across the nation, many people are beginning to raise concerns about implementing Common Core in our schools. Wondering what you can do? Here are some suggestions that add to what you’ll find in Truth in American Education’s action center tool kit. 1) Check this map of the U.S. to see if legislative educational liberty movements are happening in […]
Who Wrote the Common Core?
I have copied the names of the people involved in writing, giving feedback and validating the Common Core Math Standards released by the non-profit, DC based Achieve, who developed them and is leading the new PARCC consortium to create a student test which will replace IStep. There is not ONE person from Indiana. I am […]
Victory for Anti-Common Core Legislation
Hoosiers Support SB193! The Indiana Senate Education Committee voted 7-4 to HALT implementation of the Common Core in Indiana. The bill requires a state-led process to vet the Common Core standards and come up with the best practices for Indiana students. This bill still needs to pass the full Senate and House. This legislation is strong. […]
“Rent Seekers” Pushing Common Core in Indiana
As many opponents of the Common Core have long known, the effort to undo the Common Core is bipartisan. Journalist Joy Pullmann pulls together the bipartisan relationships that are forming around Anti-Common Core legislation. In Indiana, the Democratic Superintendent of Education, Glenda Ritz, has recognized a need for the bill to withdraw Indiana out of […]
Kindergarten Common Core stop the madness
If a 90 minute uninterrupted reading block wasn’t bad enough for a 5 or 6 year old child, try the new Common Core standards. They are developmentally inappropriate and will create a classroom of suffering children and teachers, if teachers stick around. A Washington Post article, by Valerie Strauss critiques the standards and explains why […]
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