Will Indiana’s Congressional delegation vote “No” on Big Brother-style legislation?

It is striking how Congress is completely dysfunctional when it comes to passing legislation that would fulfill their campaign promises to Republican voters, yet pulls it together to pass legislation which does the opposite. Although they can’t agree on legislation to cut taxes, end ObamaCare, or stop illegal immigration, there appears to be agreement on […]
Candidates’ vote for legislation expanding surveillance of citizens could sway conservatives in Indiana primary.

Are you a Hoosier trying to decide who to vote for in the upcoming Senate primary race? If you’re debating between Reps. Messer and Rokita, keep your eye on the College Transparency Act (CTA). Both Rokita and Messer sit on the House Education and Workforce Committee where the CTA could be voted on as early […]
President-elect Trump: Honor Phyllis Schlafly by Picking a Secretary of Education She’d Endorse

On election night when it became apparent that we were witnessing a truly remarkable and historic event, one great, American patriot came to mind- the late, conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly, who passed away this past fall at the age of 92. Lost in the media coverage since is the fact that it is Phyllis Schlafly, […]
Hoosiers Against Common Core proudly endorses Marlin Stutzman for Senate!

Hoosiers still deciding between Marlin Stutzman and Todd Young will find a stark difference between their votes on important education legislation. Marlin Stutzman has a consistent record of standing with Hoosier parents and students and supporting policies that reduce federal control over education. Todd Young has chosen to stand with Republican leadership to help cement […]
Senate NCLB reauthorization hinders Opt Out Movement
Opt Out Groups and Common Core Opponents Oppose Senate Bill to Reauthorization NCLB Parents and teachers have long awaited the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), with the reasonable expectation that the onerous provisions of federally mandated, high-stakes testing would be removed. The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) committee recently passed the […]
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