Chalkbeat: A year after Common Core, the next battle could be Indiana’s new science standards
Chalkbeat’s article on the criticisms of the Next Generation Science Standards, being considered for adoption by the IDOE, is very revealing. Regardless of the fact that the Fordham Institute judged the standards as a “C” and blasted them for their lack of content, Jeremy Eltz, a science specialist with the department who is heading up […]
ESEA Reauthorization- Devil in the Details
The Every Child Achieves Act sets federal control over alignment of state standards BY ERIN TUTTLE via Parents Against the Common Core Every Child Achieves Act of 2015 – Danger in the Details The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee recently passed the Every Child Achieves Act of 2015 (ECAA) in the hope […]
HR 5- State legislators on the hook for requirements of ESEA Reauthorization?
The Student Success Act (HR5) sponsored by Representative Todd Rokita (R-IN) and Representative John Kine (R-MN) to re-authorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (NCLB) requires state legislators to agree to any conditions required under the Act to receive the associated federal funding. Please ask your state representative and state senator to read the excerpts […]
ALERT: Rep. Todd Rokita’s ESEA bill- removes state and parent rights!

The Student Success Act (HR 5), introduced by Rep. John Kline (R-MN) and Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN), passed the House Education Committee and is scheduled for a vote this Tuesday before the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill would reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which the authors claim will undo the damage of […]
Governor Pence takes a stand for freedom and local control of education

Last week, Governor Pence took a stand for restoring freedom and local control to Indiana schools, when he chose to publicly support Senator Schneider’s “Freedom in Testing” bill, SB470. The bill, which would allow private schools that accept vouchers to choose from a variety of nationally norm-referenced assessments to comply with state accountability measures, rather […]
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