Tag: Sandra Stotsky
Professional Development Opportunity for all Hoosier High School Literature Teachers
As Indiana is in the process of creating a new set of K-12 English and Math Standards, a unique professional development opportunity exists for Indiana high school literature teachers. They are invited to attend any portion, or all, of a FREE conference this coming weekend, April 3-5, which is being hosted by the Association of […]
The Changing Role of Education in America

Hoosiers, like those in a number of other states, have been stuck indoors the last few days, due to record-breaking temperatures and snow. Many have likely put away their Christmas decorations and exhausted projects in the home, which makes this a perfect time to watch some of the videos from the Common Core conference that […]
Literature or Technical Manuals: Who Should Be Teaching What, Where, and Why?
Sandra Stotsky, Professor Emerita of Education Reform, University of Arkansas Paper presented at the Educational Policy Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, January 25, 2013 I. Purpose Over 45 states adopted Common Core’s ELA standards in 2010, in some cases before they were even written. Only in 2012 did some discussion about their implications take place in […]
Common Core Standards? Which Way For Indiana

By SANDRA STOTSKY, Ph.D. The defeat of Tony Bennett as Indiana’s State Superintendent of Education was attributed to many factors. Yet, as one post-election analysis indicated, the size of the vote for his rival, Glenda Ritz, suggests that the most likely reason was Mr. Bennett’s support for, and attempt to implement, Common Core’s badly flawed standards. Common Core’s English […]
Common Core Standards’ Devastating Impact on Literary Study and Analytical Thinking
Below is an embedded article written by Sandra Stotsky reviewing the Common Core ELA Standards for The Heritage Foundation. Common Core Standards’ Devastating Impact on Literary Study and Analytical Thinking by Sandra Stotsky
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