Tag: Glenda Ritz
Should Hoosiers support Glenda Ritz’s plans for ISTEP?

Following public outrage over the new ISTEP, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE), in consultation with testing experts, offered a plan to the Indiana State Board of Education (ISBOE) to cut the testing time by three hours, from over twelve to around nine hours. State Board of Education member Andrea Neal supported the time-cutting measures […]
Indiana’s waiver battle- it’s not about the money

The battle between the State Board of Education (SBOE) and Superintendent Glenda Ritz over Indiana’s No Child Left Behind waiver has turned ugly. While the rumored consequence of the loss of Title 1 funding has everyone chomping at the bit to get the waiver signed, sealed and delivered, the federal government can’t, by law, withhold funding […]
Russ Pulliam: Let’s Pause on Common Core
Russ Pulliam had an article in last Saturday’s Indianapolis Star entitled “Let’s pause on Common Core.” Pulliam rightly tells readers the following: The new superintendent of public instruction, Democrat Glenda Ritz, wants to pause. She has been joined by a few conservative Republicans who see Common Core as a nationalization of education standards. He goes […]
“Rent Seekers” Pushing Common Core in Indiana
As many opponents of the Common Core have long known, the effort to undo the Common Core is bipartisan. Journalist Joy Pullmann pulls together the bipartisan relationships that are forming around Anti-Common Core legislation. In Indiana, the Democratic Superintendent of Education, Glenda Ritz, has recognized a need for the bill to withdraw Indiana out of […]
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