Tag: Common Core State Standards
Indiana Common Core foes have Hope
Don’t miss Russ Pulliam’s excellent article in today’s Indianapolis Star, entitled “Common Core foes have hope.” Pulliam aptly describes the left-right alliance that is forming in opposition to the Common Core in Indiana. He has this to write, regarding Chairman Dennis Kruse of the Senate Education Committee: Education Committee Chairman Dennis Kruse thinks lawmakers need […]
Heritage Foundation on Common Core English Standards

Read the latest article from the Heritage Foundation entitled, Common Core Standards’ Devastating Impact on Literary Study and Analytical Thinking. It details the devastating effect of the Common Core ELA Standards, which favor having children read “informational texts,” over classic and creative literature. Our children deserve a real “education”, not simply “training” to read manuals […]
Closing the Door on Innovation

An oldie but a goodie! “Closing the Door on Innovation” was one of the first pieces in the current debate over national standards and a nationalized curriculum. For any one new to the debate, it is a good starting point to gain an understanding of the concerns regarding the common core initiative. Written in response […]
How Common Core Undermines School Choice
Read an interesting article by Mary Thompson entitled “Have You Checked Your School Choice Lately.“ Thompson exposes the fact that the purported goals of the School Choice movement are nullified, as long as Common Core prevails. She explains the genesis of the School Choice movement, which she points out has actually resulted in the “public-izing” […]
How Much Will The Common Core Cost?

A study commissioned by Pioneer Institute, American Principles Project and Pacific Research Institute looks at how much the Common Core will cost states.
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