About The Common Core State Standards

Not sure what the Common Core Standards are? Learn more about standards that have been adopted in 45 states.
Washington’s Latest Education Overreach

President Obama, along with Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan, have been promoting national standards in education.
Indiana Education Chief Admits Obama Hijacked Common Core

If Tony Bennett knows President Obama hijacked the Common Core, why doesn’t he pull Indiana out?
Indiana Economic Digest: Common Core State Standards is heavy on the ‘Common’
By Shane Vander Hart Heather Crossin who is a member of the Indiana Policy Review Foundation, and Jane Robbins, a senior fellow with American Principles Project, had an op/ed published for the Indiana Economic Digest. Below is an excerpt: Part of the mantra recited by proponents of the national-designed Common Core State Standards, endorsed in concept by both Gov. Mitch Daniels […]
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