Harvard Political Review gets it wrong on Indiana’s Common Core battle
Harvard Political Review has published an article entitled No Common Core, No Common Ground: The Battle for Hoosier Education. The author explains that the battle over Common Core was based on political partisanship, which continues to cripple Indiana from moving forward. To him, the argument was never about the actual standards. His analysis of the politics behind […]
The Indy Star using Gestapo tactics with Letters to Editor?

The Indianapolis Star took a hatchet to a my Letter to the Editor published today. They cut over half of it, and took the liberty of changing my words. Honestly, what is the purpose of publishing the voice of the people, if the Star is going to edit it to fit their agenda? The letter […]
Pence rejects bid for $80 million preschool grant?
The Indianapolis Star’s editorial writer, Matthew Tully, took a swing at Governor Pence in his recent article, Pence rejects bid for $80 million preschool grant, but struck out on facts. Instead of a factual article, Tully has delivered what many have come to expect from the Star- advocacy journalism, intended to deliver a politically-partisan message, not facts. […]
A step forward for Hoosiers in a long march

The wonderful thing about America is that even in what seem like our darkest hours, there are occasional rays of hope. These are what keep people in all fifty states going, determined to continue the fight to protect and restore the liberties upon which this great nation was founded. One such ray of hope has […]
Do Hoosiers want more taxpayer-funded daycare?

It’s hard not to wonder if President Obama isn’t the envy of Hillary Clinton’s eye. After all, he has successfully pushed through numerous big government programs that she and Bill championed unsuccessfully some twenty years ago. Obviously, the two biggies are the nationalization of both our health care and K-12 education systems. Now, he is […]
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