Common Core – The Big Picture
The following article was written by Ann Marie Banfield, an education activist in New Hampshire, and first appeared in the BedfordPatch. It provides a much needed overview of the big picture surrounding Common Core and the RADICAL restructuring of America’s schools: We keep hearing that the “Common Core Standards Initiative” is FAR more than JUST […]
Remove the gag order, free teachers!

Some on the left feel like they aren’t as effective as the right in fighting the Common Core Conflict. My belief, is that their most powerful weapon has the safety stuck on and it isn’t firing. Unfortunately, the safety is stuck pretty tight and it’s going to be hard to free it. Many think parents […]
Common Core opposition is on fire
To fully appreciate Stanley Kurtz’s latest article in the National Review, you will want to first read the Washington Post article, Tea party groups mobilizing against Common Core education overhaul. For starters, it features a fabulous picture of the Hoosier state’s own Sue Lile! It then begins: Tea party groups over the past few weeks have […]
Bushwacked on Common Core
Jeb Bush is in Michigan promoting his market expanding education reform package called Common Core. The Michigan legislators have defunded Common Core until after it is properly vetted. Jeb Bush gave the following comments to The Detroit News, “Why not have a dialogue to actually convince people that this is the right thing to do? Why […]
Indiana Legislature Playing Monday Morning Quarterback?
Below is a guest post from Shane Vander Hart from Truth in American Education. Shane responded to a recent editorial in The Times of Northwest Indiana. We appreciate being able to re-post Shane’s piece in its entirety. To read more of Shane’s great research and writing visit the Truth in American Education website: The Times […]
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