Indiana Common Core Review: A Stacked Deck?
If you were going to the trial of someone accused of murdering a loved one, would it concern you if almost 50% of the jury had signed statements that they believed the accused was innocent? Would you consider such a jury to be “fair” and “neutral?” Would you believe that the “process” of our judicial […]
Math teachers, please watch this video.
Do you think the Common Core math standards will fail? They did the last time. Watch this video by Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Stanford University, James Milgram, who explains this is NOTHING NEW and the results will be no different.
Federally approved state sovereignty?
Can one be alone together? Can one offer an unbiased opinion? Can one keep an open secret? Can a state have federally-approved, sovereign academic standards? An oxymoron is a figure of speech which contains words that seem contradictory to one another intended to create humor or to make the reader stop and think. In the case of Indiana and […]
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