Common Core Info and Research
Controlling Education From The Top

Emmett McGroarty and Jane Robbins wrote a white paper entitled “Controlling Education From the Top: Why The Common Core is Bad for America” sponsored by American Principles Project, Pioneer Institute, Pacific Research Institute, and the Washington Policy Center. They make the case why the Common Core State Standards are bad for America. You can read […]
Sandra Stotsky’s Testimony Before Indiana Senate Education Commitee

Sandra Stotsky, professor of education reform at the University of Arkansas testified about the Common Core ELA Standards before the Indiana Senate Education Committee on January 23, 2012. Sandra Stotsky – Testimony Before Indiana Senate Education Committee on Common Core
The Road to a National Curriculum

A white paper by the Pioneer Institute, the Federalist Society , American Principles Project and the Pacific Research Institute discuss the legal aspects of the Common Core State Standards, Race to the Top and Conditional Waivers written by Robert S. Eitel and Kent D. Talbert. Is the involvement of the Federal government in the Common […]
Common Core Myths vs. Facts

Myth . Common Core (CC) was a state-led initiative. Fact . The CC standards were initiated by private interests in Washington, DC, without any representation from the states. Eventually the creators realized the need to present a façade of state involvement and therefore enlisted the National Governors Association (NGA) (a trade association that doesn’t include all governors) […]
About The Common Core State Standards

Not sure what the Common Core Standards are? Learn more about standards that have been adopted in 45 states.
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