Common Core Info and Research
Closing the Door on Innovation
An oldie but a goodie! “Closing the Door on Innovation” was one of the first pieces in the current debate over national standards and a nationalized curriculum. For any one new to the debate, it is a good starting point to gain an understanding of the concerns regarding the common core initiative. Written in response […]
Common Core Standards’ Devastating Impact on Literary Study and Analytical Thinking
Below is an embedded article written by Sandra Stotsky reviewing the Common Core ELA Standards for The Heritage Foundation. Common Core Standards’ Devastating Impact on Literary Study and Analytical Thinking by Sandra Stotsky
James Milgram Testimony to the Indiana Senate Education Committee
Written Testimony for Indiana Senate Education Panel for Hearing on Senate Bill 373 R. James Milgram, Ph.D. Emeritus Professor Department of Mathematics Stanford University January 23, 2012 1. Why would we want to adopt Common Core Math Standards over Indiana Math Standards? Mathematically, there is no good reason to adopt Common Core Math Standards over the Indiana […]
How Much Will The Common Core Cost?
A study commissioned by Pioneer Institute, American Principles Project and Pacific Research Institute looks at how much the Common Core will cost states.
Fabio Augusto Milner’s Testimony to Indiana Senate Education Committee
Fabio Augusto Milner testified before the Indiana Senate Education Committee to discuss the Common Core Math Standards on January 24, 2012.
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