Audio & Video
The Changing Role of Education in America

Hoosiers, like those in a number of other states, have been stuck indoors the last few days, due to record-breaking temperatures and snow. Many have likely put away their Christmas decorations and exhausted projects in the home, which makes this a perfect time to watch some of the videos from the Common Core conference that […]
Let Freedom Ring: Exercise your Right to Free Speech!
Just up on you tube is a video entitled, “Commissioner King gets spanked,” which shows a portion of a Common Core forum in New York. After watching it, I think “spanked” is an understatement. Take a look to see just how real the growing outrage against Common Core is among parents all across the country. […]
Spellbinding Words of Wisdom
If there is a silver lining in Common Core it is definitely that it has awakened the general public and engaged them in discussions about the quality of education in America. At Hoosiers Against Common Core, we have certainly never classified ourselves as proponents of the status quo. We certainly are not. We recognize that […]
The Warping of Simplicity and Eloquence
The video above is a must watch for all parents of young children, who have been questioning what in the world is going on with their children’s math work. It is the articulate testimony given by the Chair of the Math Department, Mr. Layton Elliott, at Brebeuf Jesuit High School in Indianapolis, before […]
NY Superintendent draws 2,000 to #stopcommoncore rally!
If you haven’t heard, one of the bravest Superintendents in the country is speaking out against Common Core. Superintendent Joseph Rella of Comesewogue School District in Port Jefferson Station, New York held a rally, during which he said Common Core Standards and the Common Core testing is hurting the children of New York. Over 2,000 […]
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