Author Archive: Erin Tuttle
Federal NCLB waiver solely to blame for ISTEP debacle

After the extended ISTEP testing times were released last week, the outrage of parents and teachers led Governor Mike Pence to issue an executive order to have an expert review and shorten the test before it is administered beginning in March. Initially, Superintendent Glenda Ritz pushed back against this effort, stating she had no plans […]
NCLB reauthorization cements Common Core into federal law

The U.S. Senate is fast-tracking new legislation titled the Every Child Ready for College or a Career Act of 2015, which will reauthorize No Child Left Behind (NCLB). The author of the bill, Senator Lamar Alexander, claims it’s an effort to restore the power of local and state education agencies, but, in reality, it does the opposite. In fact, […]
SB277- $60 million dollar unfunded mandate on local schools

SB277, offered by Senator Jim Merritt, will be voted on this Wednesday, January 28th by the Indiana Senate Education Committee. The bill “requires a school corporation to employ at least one school counselor at each elementary school, not including private or charter schools, maintained by the school corporation.” This would required your child’s public elementary […]
300-page NCLB waiver increases state control?

Indiana’s No Child Left Behind (NCLB) waiver which was renewed this past June is up for renewal again at the end of the school year. The zeal with which Indiana Department of Education officials sought the current waiver leaves little doubt that a strong effort will once again be made to retain it. However, an […]
An Education Agenda for Empowering Hoosiers

Hoosiers understand what many in charge of education policy in Indiana do not: despite the Common Core repeal, our schools are still implementing it; creating more government programs has not produced better students; disparities in pupil funding is fundamentally unfair; and school choice isn’t surviving in an over-regulated environment. In many aspects of educational reform, […]
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