Author Archive: Erin Tuttle
Cardinal Newman Society gives good advice on Common Core
Dr. Dan Guersney from the National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools and the Cardinal Newman Society have released a paper giving direction to Catholic schools on Common Core. Dr. Guernsey lists ten critically important steps schools should take to avoid the problems with the standards. The Cardinal Newman society represents the true philosophy […]
Pull your hair out video!
This video shows how frustrating the strategies of Common Core math are for a child. The child is in third grade and is still required to use the place value technique required by the Common Core, not the standard algorithm. At one point in the video she says. “at home we stack the numbers, but […]
Math teachers, please watch this video.
Do you think the Common Core math standards will fail? They did the last time. Watch this video by Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Stanford University, James Milgram, who explains this is NOTHING NEW and the results will be no different.
Federally approved state sovereignty?
Can one be alone together? Can one offer an unbiased opinion? Can one keep an open secret? Can a state have federally-approved, sovereign academic standards? An oxymoron is a figure of speech which contains words that seem contradictory to one another intended to create humor or to make the reader stop and think. In the case of Indiana and […]
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