Author Archive: Erin Tuttle
How do standards change curriculum and state assessments?
The most important thing to remember about standards is that whatever is included in them is fair game to be included on testing. Under the NCLB waiver currently enforce in Indiana, teacher evaluations and school rankings will be largely determined by the students results on assessments that measure the content and skills included in the […]
Indiana standards review process, not producing results
Two of the lead people controlling the standards review process defended the draft standards on the Greg Garrison Show today. Claire Fiddian Green, the director of the Center for Education and Career Innovation, and State Board of Education member, Brad Oliver, called on Hoosiers to trust the process to produce high-standards, even though after two drafts […]
Yes, sir, Mr. Duncan, whatever you say.
Attention, parents! Indiana is piloting new Common Core field tests this spring. If there is a Common Core pause going on in Indiana, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) isn’t on board. On February 3, 2014, the IDOE sent out an email to school superintendents informing schools about the test: The U.S. Department of Education […]
Teachers, Learn from Experts at The Role of Literature in Common Core
An Invitation to Teachers: Indiana Memorial Union, Indiana University Saturday, April 5th The Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers presents The Role of Literature in the Common Core Concurrent Seminars (9:15) Reading Literature and Learning to Write: Successful Pedagogies at UC Riverside (Chair, John Briggs) Wonder and Literature (Chair: David Smith) Panel (10:45) The […]
Would you buy Obamacare under a different name?
Let’s say you were approached by a political strategist, gathering public reaction to a plan to save Obamacare. He asks, “If Obamacare was rebranded as a state-governed initiative with a different name, like IndianaCare, and put through a Hoosier process, do you think people would buy it?” You would probably laugh and say people would […]
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