Indiana State Senate to vote on bill to end common core and restore local control.

December 13, 2012 20 Comments

On January 16, 2013 at 1:30 the Indiana State Senate Education Panel will be voting on a bill co-authored by Senator Scot Schneider-R and Senator Dennis Kruse-R that would reverse the adoption of the common core standards. There will be an all-star line up to present testimony and Hoosiers are encouraged to attend. In the mean time, please contact your state legislatures and encourage them to support this bill.

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  1. Indiana’s Anti-Common Core Bill | Truth in American Education | February 11, 2013
  1. jason a says:

    check the date in the text. should that be Jan 16, 2013?

  2. Joy Pullmann says:

    Where is this being held? I’d like to attend.

    • Erin Tuttle says:

      We don’t have a room assignment at this point. Thanks for your interest, I’ll keep everyone posted to the exact location at the Statehouse.

  3. The People, LLC
    10 hours ago · 

    The reason that School Choice Proponents are leading us to focus only on fighting the Common Core State Standards is because these proponents are using the standards to distract conservatives from the fight that we should be waging: to preserve private school education for generations to come:

    Implying that Common Core/federal mandates are the problem associated with private schools (corporations) getting our tax dollars misses the mark entirely. The problem is that private schools ARE taking public money knowing full well that, in doing so, they are becoming agents of the state.

    “Publicly funded and privately serviced” is unconstitutional & unAmerican, no matter the rest of the story. Each time that a public-private partnership is instituted, our Constitutional Republican governmental structure is transformed to a politbureau that is unanswerable to the taxpayers who fund it.

    Are we to simply forget that private schools ARE NOT being forced to take vouchers? If they don’t want Common Core, the solution is a simple one: stay private — don’t accept government assistance of any kind. Afterall, that is the definition of “private school”.

    A very important point seems to keep being left-out of the discussion: “School Choice” IS designed to be THE END OF PRIVATE SCHOOL EDUCATION WHETHER COMMON CORE OR STATE STANDARDS ARE UTILIZED. “School Choice” is designed to create a “government only” institution of education for our society—the only “choice” we will have is between federal-government school or state-government school: unfortunately, either set of standards reflect those of UNESCO.

    What states are really being asked to decide in the “School Choice” debate is: do you only want government education–do you want to end the choice of parents to private education??

    Unfortunately, this cold, hard fact has been totally lost in all of this.

    The fight that we must wage is for the rights of Americans to NOT have their money that should be starting, expanding or securing OUR OWN businesses taken from us by the state and given to other corporations–whether Charter, parochial or other private entities—-in or out of the education arena.

    The fight that we must wage is to ensure that our grandchildren and their grandchildren will have the same opportunity that many of us gave to our children: a private education free of government interference in schools not sullied by participation in public-private partnerships.

    Publicly Funded + Privately Serviced = Nothing Resembling the U.S of A.

    Why should private school hold any appeal to any parent, even if they get it for free, when their kids are getting indoctrinated to the same worldview as is being taught in public school?

    Likewise, why should public/charter/parochial and other private school parents be concerned only with Common Core when State Standards reflective of the same benchmarks are already being force-fed to our children?

    One final thing to ponder: In Louisiana, Governor Jindal’s lead policy advisor for education, Stafford Palmieri, played a major role in creating Common Core State Standards Maps to ensure that curriculum properly aligns with these standards–what does that tell you??

    • Erin Tuttle says:

      Thanks for your comments. You are right in concluding that the common core is only one part of the problem. Many “private” schools in Indiana have been weakening their autonomy due to the requirement of state accreditation that they take the state standardized test called IStep. Private schools have long been traveling the road to state control. The common core must be stopped because it takes the private schools to a point of no return. Instead of having the state control education (which is bad enough) it gives control to the federal government and private trade associations in DC. To us, this will be far harder to reverse or mitigate than our current situation with state control. I appreciate your comments and can’t say I disagree. I’ve seen it in my child’s “private” school.

      • Maggie says:

        The federal government is not trying to “take over” control of education in Indiana. Please do your research before propagating nonsense for others to read and believe. Unless you work in the field of education, I doubt you really have enough information to make a decision about this bill. I look forward to hearing from whatever “teacher” support this group is able to find to support your nonsense arguments.

        • Erin Tuttle says:

          A few of the teacher groups that do not support the common core are: Indiana Friends of Public Education, Superintendent of Education Glenda Ritz, Northeast Indiana Friends of Public Education, Professor Sandra Stotosky, Professor James Milgram and Vern Williams-the only math teacher who helped develop the CC math standards. Please come to the rally on January 16th at noon. I would love to have you listen to the testimony presented and hopefully change your mind. When the federal government forces states to adopt standards as a requirement of Race to the Top and Waivers from No Child Left Behind, it is considered by some to be the imposition of the will of the federal government. We believe that Indiana teachers and the elected officials of Indiana should retain the sole power over standards and testing. We welcome you to join us on Wednesday.

        • Erin Tuttle says:

          Hi Ashley,

          I’m not sure if you got the message, but I am trying to contact you regarding the text selections you used for the student referenced in your testimony. If possible, I would like to see the selections for some research I am putting together. Thanks for your input, we always like to hear from teachers.


    • Barbara says:

      Then what is the alternative? Completely private schools taking no federal or state money — then funded by who? I can’t afford to open a school and receive no funding for it.

      • Barbara says:

        and do you have an example of a school or state that does what you are proposing?

      • Erin Tuttle says:

        In the all too recent past many private schools including all Catholic schools did not receive public money. Other current examples are Orchard, Park Tudor, and St. Richards. They are all very successful and very autonomous.

        • Barbara says:

          what about the poor who cannot afford private school tuition?

          • Erin Tuttle says:

            I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking. I believe all students should be held to high standards and I have fought for public and private schools in our legislation, excluding no one. Private schools are private schools. Within the school choice movement, I believe the integrity of those private schools should be held intact. Thus, allowing them to continue the policies and programs that make them desirable for those seeking school vouchers. What is the point of vouchers, if the private schools must follow the policies and programs of the schools some wish to escape? It my hope that all schools, private and public will be of the quality that all parents seek for their students. I am in no way saying that there should be a different standard for any child. The ideal would be for public schools to imitate high performing schools both private and public, not the other way around.

          • Barbara says:

            I agree, but what I’m asking is in response to The People, LLC. They are suggesting that private schools should not take federal, state, or corporate money. And that vouchers should not be paid for that way either. So my question is, what about the middle to low income students who cannot afford to pay tuition without the aid of state funding or corporate backed vouchers? That leaves them in the public school which in many cases is a failing school. Wouldn’t they be left behind?

  4. Melissa says:

    Do you have the bill and number so I can send it out. I would love to support this bill but want to read it to make sure it is a clean one

    • Erin Tuttle says:

      They have not release the language and bill number at this point. The Legislative Services Agency is still working on it. I will post as soon as it is released. Thanks for your support.

  5. Gloria says:

    There are 3 other large groups and even more groups interested in supporting this bill along with Melissa and you. We will be anticipating reading the bill. Thank you!

  6. Barbara,

    Sorry, that I wasn’t able to keep up with this thread. don’t know that anyone will see this, but, just in case:

    The cost of private education will be dictated by the local economies. If I have a school which does not accept government funding of any kind, the tuition will be based on the market in my community. I will charge what the community can afford. Money does not determine quality of an education. Maria Montessori was extremely successful in an Italian ghetto using sticks and twigs as manipulatives.

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